Rays Sports Network Inc. o/a (referred to herein as the "Provider", "We", "Our" and "Us"), is committed to promoting the game of cricket by providing cricket players, students, coaches, parents, academy officials and related organizations and service providers through Our website, including the use of Our sports e-learning management system (LMS) proprietary application software accessible thereon, and the content thereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Site"), that provides an online service (the "Service") by which You may access, browse and use the content for free, "pay-to-play", or on a subscription basis.
As used herein, the term "You" or "Participant" refers to you, the user and/or subscriber of the Site, whether you are an individual cricket player, student, coach, parent, academy official or related organization (e.g., cricket club, indoor stadium, etc.), and if you are under 18 years of age, your child on whose behalf you agree to allow access to the Site and to use the Service.
What is the Purpose of Our Site and Service?
By accessing, browsing and using the content and features of Our Site, including LMS platform, You will be provided with a live video conferencing tool, the ability to download and upload practice videos, wellness and fitness data (from physical fitness monitors and activity trackers to fitness and biomechanical clinics). With the support of a comprehensive genetic test combined with a detailed metabolic assessment and musculoskeletal screening exam, the use of a performance intelligence platform and a faculty of skilled coaches, customised training programs and the most modern equipment and sporting facilities, Our Site facilitates the development of players' and students' cricket skills (whether a beginner, intermediate or expert) and inspires and empowers an environment for players to cultivate their skills and produce creative and accountable cricket players to nurture their tactical creativity and decision making capabilities.
Additionally, as Our Site is essentially a data driven platform, We also strive to fullfil the dreams of cricket players and students by absorbing and coalescing large volumes of historical and current data, analyzing and visualising that data in near real-time, and participating in the process of scouting players by triggering exceptional talent data to major cricket leagues and National teams.
We Respect Your Right To Privacy
We take your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy sets forth important information concerning the collection of personally identifiable information from You (or your child, as applicable) when you use the Site. We have structured this policy to reflect this core belief and put you in control of how your personal information ("Personal Information") is processed, the information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, "Personal Information" means any information, recorded in any media or form, about an identifiable individual (including name, address, telephone number, email address, credit card information) but does not generally include business contact information. The contents of this Privacy Policy are intended to be read and understood in accordance and compliance with all applicable privacy laws, statutes, and regulations applicable in the Province of Ontario, and the laws of Canada applicable therein. In this regard, this Privacy Policy is governed by Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act ("PIPEDA").
Application of this Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to Provider, but it does not apply to the websites of our business partners (i.e., any subcontractor, vendor or other entity with whom we have an ongoing business relationship to provide products, services or information) or to any other third parties, even if their websites are linked to our website. We recommend that You review the privacy policies of the other parties with whom you interact. If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, the practices of this Site, or your dealings with this Site, please contact us at
Your use of our Site is further governed under its applicable Terms of Use.
Collection, Retention and Use of Personal Information
We collect and retain, and use Personal Information about users of this Site. Except as set forth within this Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use, and any other published guidelines, we do not release Personal Information about users of this Site without their permission. By using this Site, You consent to the collection and use of Personal Information by Provider. Provider reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy from time to time by notifying you via this Site, and You are advised to review this page regularly for any changes. It is important that You review Provider's Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy prior to using this Site. In particular, please note the disclaimers contained in the Terms of Use, which shall also apply to this Privacy Policy.
What Type of Information do we gather?
We gather two types of Personal Information about the users of our Site:
1. Personal identifying information; and
2. Non-personal identifying information.
Personal Identifying Information
Any personal identifying information required is collected only when You knowingly and willingly provide it. We will explicitly ask for information that personally identifies You, such as:
➤ basic contact information (e.g., name, email address, telephone numbers, billing/mailing address, birth date, etc.).
➤ credit card information (including card number, expiry date and CVS code).
➤ online payment system information (e.g., PayPal, etc.).
➤ login and account information (including password and unique user ID).
➤ Participant profile information (e.g., profile photo, weight, height, username, location, personal preferences).
➤ photos, videos, practice videos, audio and social media activity uploaded by You when creating an account or using Our Site or Service.
➤ coaching feedback, counseling and performance.
➤ activity, wellness, fitness and performance data provided by You or generated through Our Site, including through your use of third- party solutions (e.g., Fitbit watches, fitness and biomechanical clinics, etc.)
➤ Recordings of live video conferencing sessions.
➤ personal identifying information requested when You are requesting information from Provider.
Before we collect any personally identifiable information, we will provide an explanation for the possible use of your data. The information You supply will be used by Provider to create player profiles displayed on the Site, post all users' training statistics, or supplied to our business partners to respond to your inquiries, and supply You with requested information on Provider's products or services.
Provider will only collect personally identifiable information (such as name, title, company name, address, telephone number, credit card information or e-mail address) that You voluntarily provide through our Site or email correspondence.
Non-personal Identifying Information
Non-personal identifying information is collected with each visit to this Site and may provide us with the following information; which pages were visited, how long You viewed each of our videos, which training resources were accessed and for how long, which hyperlinks were clicked, which operating system and browser software was used. This Non-personal identifying information allows us, to among other things; monitor Site traffic, internal operations, identify areas and services of our Site that are most popular, and determine the effectiveness of our products and services. This information also provides a means by which we can compile and perform statistical analyses of the overall characteristics and general behaviour of the users of our Site. We may on occasion use this non-personal identifying information to provide statistical information to advertisers, affiliates, business partners and other current and potential promotional partners.
Use of Cookies
In browsing the web, You may encounter "cookies", which are files or pieces of information that may be stored on your computer's hard drive when You visit a website. We may use cookies (including web beacons) to ensure that You obtain the information You request. The cookie(s) we pass to You are anonymous. They do not reveal your personal identity, they will not follow You throughout your travels on the web, nor can they capture private data. Rather, these cookies establish a user session and to allow our server to correctly provide Site users with the appropriate frames and content. We are not concerned with who is using our Site, but rather how our Site is being used. We track the usage in order to modify the Site according to our customers' needs. We pay attention to what information is requested and attempt to make it easier to find in the future. Please understand that any data captured from this system is for internal use only and is not shared with anyone else.
While most Internet browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If you do not wish to accept cookies, You can set your browser to refuse cookies or to alert You when cookies are being sent.
How we use your Personal Information.
Provider uses your Personal Information to:
➤ Personalize your experience and to allow us to deliver the type of content and product offerings in which You are most interested;
➤ Create a user account;
➤ Operate the Site and deliver to You the products and services provided on or through Our Site;
➤ Analyze and assess your activity, wellness, fitness and performance data;
➤ Producing practice videos, courses and other content from photos, videos and audio You uploaded to Our Site;
➤ Recording and using live video conferences in which You participated;
➤ Process your purchases of membership subscription or "pay-to-play" services or products;
➤ Process your purchase of "white label" products and services;
➤ Creation of a player or coaches profile page for all users that is accessible by all the other users of the Site;
➤ Track your activity, goals, techniques and performance using Our LMS proprietary software application;
➤ Provide you with updates, promotions and marketing information about Our products and services;
➤ Post a leaderboard on the Site, accessible to all users, detailing the top users using the training resources available through the Site;
➤ Respond directly, or passes it along to one or more of our business partners to respond, to your inquiries or requests for information about products or services available from Provider, its corporate affiliates and business partners;
➤ Keep You up-to-date regarding the latest products and services offered by Provider, its corporate affiliates and business partners;
➤ Prevent fraud and other prohibited or illegal activities;
➤ Protect the security or integrity of this Site, Our business, or Our products and services;
➤ Improve the quality of Our Site and products;
➤ Administer and maintain content on social media platforms, podcasts (audio or video), blogs or other forms of public electronic
➤ communication to be adopted in the future;
➤ For internal record keeping and statistical purposes;
➤ Administer online training programs, webinars, surveys or other Site features;
➤ Ask for ratings and reviews of services or products;
➤ Resolve problems and disputes; or
➤ Otherwise, as disclosed to You at the point of collection
Delete User Account
At, we understand the importance of user privacy and provide users with the option to delete their accounts if they choose to do so. To initiate the account deletion process, users can log in to their accounts and navigate to the profile section page and there will be an option to delete the account. Please be aware that once an account is deleted, all associated data, including personal information and account history, will be permanently removed from our system. It's essential to note that some information may be retained for legal or regulatory compliance purposes. Additionally, we may retain anonymized and aggregated data for analytical purposes. We take all necessary measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of user data throughout the account deletion process. For any questions or assistance regarding account deletion, users can contact our support team at
Google Fit and Apple HealthKit Integration offers integration with both Google Fit and Apple HealthKit to provide users with a holistic health and fitness experience. By connecting their accounts, users grant permission to access health-related data stored in both Google Fit and Apple HealthKit. This data may include, but is not limited to, information such as step count, exercise minutes, heart rate, and other relevant metrics.
We take user privacy seriously and assure our users that any data obtained from these platforms is treated with the utmost confidentiality. will only access and utilize the necessary information to provide the intended features and services. Users have the ability to manage and revoke permissions for both Google Fit and Apple HealthKit at any time through their respective device settings.
It's crucial to understand that revoking these permissions may impact the functionality of certain features on our platform that rely on this data. We do not share health-related data from Google Fit or Apple HealthKit with third parties without explicit user consent, except as required by law.
When will We share and disclose Personal Information?
Provider reserves the right to disclose your Personal Information to one or more of our business partners in order for them to respond directly to your inquiry or requests for information about products or services available from Provider. Provider may also disclose your Personal Information when a user is in violation of our Terms of Use, or other published guidelines. We may also disclose such information in response to court orders, governmental orders, civil subpoenas, discovery requests, and any other requests required by law. We also reserve the right to report any suspected illegal activity to law enforcement for investigation or prosecution.
For How Long and Where do We keep your Personal Information?
We keep Personal Information only so long as is needed in order to meet the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, including for the purpose of enabling us to meet any legal or regulatory requirements. The principal place in which the Provider holds Personal Information is on dedicated servers located in Toronto, Ontario, using the cloud-based platforms of AWS (Amazon Web Services), GlobalTeleHost Corp. (GTHost) and such other service providers as may be selected by the Provider from time to time.
What Happens if We sell our Business?
If Our business is sold or merges in whole or in part with another business that would become responsible for providing this website to You, We retain the right to transfer your Personal Information to the new business. The new business would retain the right to use your Personal Information according to the terms of this Privacy Policy as well as to any changes to this Privacy Policy as instituted by the new business. We also retain the right to transfer your Personal Information if We file for bankruptcy and some or all of Our assets are sold to another individual or business.
Protection of Children
Since Our Site provides features to be used by minors (under 18 years of age), if You are under 18 years of age your parent or legal guardian must first provide Us with their consent to collect, use and disclose your Personal Information and open an account with Us, before We will provide You with access to all the features of Our Site, including the access and use of our live video conferencing sessions or downloading from or uploading to the Site any audio, photographic images, videos or other audio/visual content. f we discover that You are under 18 years of age and have been or are accessing Our Site without proper consent, We reserve the right to immediately terminate your account and delete your Personal Information within a reasonable period of time. You acknowledge that We do not verify the age of Our users nor do We have any liability to do so. We rely on each user wishing to open an account to provide us with true, accurate and complete information.
Links to Third Party Sites
This Site may contain links to third party websites. Provider is not responsible for the privacy policies and how such third parties collect, use or disclose your Personal Information, so You should review such third party's privacy policies before providing them with your Personal Information.
Provider endeavours to maintain appropriate physical, procedural and technical security with respect to its offices and information storage facilities and equipment so as to prevent any loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification of your Personal Information. Provider further protects Personal Information by restricting access to it to those of its employees and business partners that need to know the information in order that Provider may provide its products, services or information. If we determine that You have been misusing any Personal Information, any living conferencing sessions, audio connectivity, or any photographic images, videos or other audio/visual content uploaded to or downloaded from the Site, We reserve the right to immediately terminate your account and pursue any other legal or equitable remedies against You that we deem appropriate in the circumstances.
Communications and Emails
When we communicate with You about Our Site, we will use the email address You provided when You registered as a user. We may also send you emails with promotional information about our Site or offers from Us or our affiliates unless you have opted out of receiving such information. You can change your contact preferences at any time through your account or by sending Us an email with your request to: Before we remove any Personal Information, We may ask for proof of identification to prevent malicious removal of account information.
Change or Modify
You may change or modify your Personal Information previously provided to us by contacting Provider's Privacy Officer at the mailing or email address noted below. Withdrawal of Consent
Change or Modify
You may withdraw consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your Personal Information at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions, provided You give Us one week's notice of such withdrawal. We shall inform you of the implications of such withdrawal, including the termination of your account with Us.
Provider welcomes comments and questions on this Privacy Policy. We are dedicated to protecting your Personal Information, and will make every reasonable effort to keep that information secure. Due to the rapidly evolving technologies on the Internet, we may occasionally update this policy. All revisions will be posted to this Site. All comments and questions about this Privacy Policy, should be sent to Provider: Us.
By writing:
Attention: Privacy Officer 7111 Syntex Drive
3rd Floor Mississauga, Ontario L5N 8C3
Or by emailing us at


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